10 Person low FODMAP Dinner Party Menu! Here is our stress free strategy.

Recently had my pescatarian father come to visit. Here’s a menu that worked for our 10 person family style party. At the end I explain the timing and strategy to make this into an easy cook without last minute pressure.




We made the Cheese Cake and the Spinach Artichoke Cheese Dip the day before. We did not cook the Dip until the day of but let it sit in the fridge over night. I also marinated the salmon the day before by adding all ingredients to a ziplock and let it site overnight to really get the flavour into the Salmon.

We finished the Cheese Cake the next morning as our recipe suggests. We cooked the potatoes and Vegetables back to back in the morning. No more than two trays in the oven at the same time ensure correct cooking. To re-heat them we used slow cookers on low stirring every 15 mins. This allowed us up to pay attention to our guests as they arrived and not get ‘buried’ in the kitchen with last minute cooking. This freed up the oven to put the Spinach Artichoke Cheese Dip 1 hour before everyone arrived and cook the salmon just before serving dinner. I did use my toaster oven to cook the Chicken with our BBQ spice on it. I know not everyone has a toaster oven but I timed it to be ready when the Salmon was finished. (I could have cooked it with the Dip if I didn’t have the oven as that obey’s my only 2 pans in the oven at a time rule.) Quinoa was cooked at the same time as the salmon and may have not been needed. But I love Quinoa and salmon so I did it for the love of it.