Costco Order Packing Hacks.

When you order from Costco and Package up the meet into usable servings it takes effort. Here are some Costco packaging Hacks to help you get through your processing of a large order.

  • Calculate how many bags
    • Look at the weight ahead of time, or the number of cups and just write on the bags in advance. This makes it a log easier than labeling after the bags have meat/stock in them.
two bags of chicken stock in plastic bags, lying flat in a metal cooking sheet.
Chicken stock ready to freeze.
  • Use wax paper to extend you countertop
    • When you are working with meat it’s easy to make a mess. Make your life easy and give yourself a ton of counter space by using wax paper/plastic wrap to make for easy cleaning.
tenderloin roast about to be butchered on wax paper.
  • Go Vampire – Keep the blood
    • When butchering larger pieces of meat they often have blood in the packaging. This is an amazing additive to create a rich gravy. I highly suggest draining the blood into a bowl and keeping it for another day.
  • Get Creative
    • Do not be afraid of immediately turning your leftover meat scraps into a meal for another day.
    • Below is an example. I had some leftover ground beef but it wasn’t enough to keep in it’s own. I could either make all my ground beef bags more than a pound, or I could premake some Burgers. I use a convenient freeze tray here but you could just use a cookie sheet and form your burgers on that, freeze them on that, and then after frozen bag them up for later use. (Freezing them before putting them in a bag will prevent them from sticking.
Ground beef in a hamgbuger mold ready to be frozen.
  • Lets not forget the water trick we’ve talked about in the past.
    • Closing the bag %90 of the way,
    • Dunk the bag in the water and it will force air out of the bag.
    • Completely close the bag.
Freezer bag of meet, being dunked into the water.

Mash Potato Cubes

As a follow up to my last post about Ice Cube trays. I had some extra mashed potatoes leftover from a dinner. Instead of throwing them out I used the trays to help make life easier for our next dinner. This was an amazing life saver the other day. They are perfectly portioned to become a part of any meal. I froze them in ~1/2 cup each. I added a tbsp of water per cube. Microwaved for 1 minute, then 30 seconds later another minute. (You could probably just do 2 mins a cube to reheat.) This was a real life have that saved food from the compost, saved time, and tasted amazing. Totally something I would definitely suggest you doing. I used to make complete frozen meals with leftover potatoes but now I think this is my new way of freezing mashed potatoes as it really allows a ton of flexibility.

Cooked mashed potatoes in 1 cup ice cube tray.