All Hail

I want to give a shout out to a great article written by Dédé Wilson @ . If you aren’t aware of this site you are really missing out. It has a huge wealth of information about living/eating low FODMAP. This site has great recipes, meal plans, and is a great resource for everything low FODMAP.

I use garlic oil all the time as a replacement. I have made it myself but I’m also really lucky that it’s actually available in my grocery store. I had to take the leap of faith, try it and thankfully it was good for me. If you don’t want to take a risk (, and I mean who does!) Then Dede over @ has you covered. Please take some time to read her extensive article on Garlic Infused Oil. (Good ones/bad ones.) One take away that from the article. It’s probably easiest to just make Garlic Infused Oil at home yourself. Here’s our recipe of how to make Garlic Infused Oil.

Another gem from the article: You can freeze oil indefinitely! So make a big batch and freeze it for when you need it!