Making Crepes

Recently we posted a new recipe for Gluten Free Crepes. Crepes are just a platform for flavour. You can dress them up any way you want. Our recipe is great to make the day before and just warm up so that you have a ready made breakfast that’s quick and easy to serve in the morning. I highly suggest that if you have are having a party the night before and the guests stay over making them the day before. Here’s some quick ideas for you:


Cool Whip & low FodmapFresh fruit – Yes, cool whip is lactose free, and you can’t beat fresh fruit. low FODMAP fruit ideas: Unripe bananas, blueberries, kiwi, mandarins, oranges, papaya, pineapple, rhubarb and strawberries.


Peanut butter and un-ripe banana. (Yes has to be green)

low FODMAP Cheese & Gluten Free smoked ham. Add a little fresh spinach

What are your suggestions for fillings? Comment below!

FYI: We also are going to experiment with using these crepes as gluten free tortillas. We think this might be a great answer to the “Gluten free tortillas” problem. It’s hard to find good Gluten Free Tortillas. Yes they’re are some authentic corn ones that are good but they are often dry and not as fresh as we’d like or as big as we’re used to.