Low FODMAP simple cooking.

This website is all about making food simple. When my partner was diagnosed, she wasn’t a cook. She didn’t really cook at all. Living Low FODMAP is not an out of the box experience. You need to read every ingredient on the box or better yet just make it yourself. This website is really about learning to make it yourself. We try out best to make that easy and guide people that don’t know how to cook, how to do low FODMAP cooking. We have done the research and the work to try out each recipe. Yes, I love to cook, and so does my partner now. We both contribute to this website and hope to create a community of people that live the low FODMAP lifestyle, but make it simpler for others that don’t know how to cook, or don’t know recipes that are low FODMAP.

We could NOT have made this website without the FODMAP app. If you don’t have it and are living with IBS and looking to have a low FODMAP diet, it is a critical database of what you can and can’t eat. Please check it out.