Campbell’s responds: The mystery of “Ingredients”

This is a follow up to my previous post: The mystery of “Ingredients”

I’m posting Campbell’s response to my ask about [Chicken Stock] so it can be read in its entirety:

Thanks for reaching out regarding the garlic and onion used in our products.  

Although labeling the presence of garlic in the product’s ingredient statement is not mandatory in Canada, Campbell Company of Canada has begun listing garlic on all new labels, no matter how small the amount. We will not include garlic, regardless of the form, under the broader listings of “spices” or “natural flavors”. Labels already in market may not include this voluntary labeling disclosure.

Unfortunately, we don’t maintain updated lists of products that contain or do not contain garlic or onions. Product recipes change frequently, and ingredients are periodically added and replaced, so we don’t attempt to keep lists of products that either contain or lack a particular ingredient. Please click on the link below and provide name and flavor or UPC number of the product and we can look further into this for you.

I hope I’ve been able to answer your question. Please contact Consumer Care at 800-410-7687 or visit Campbell Company of Canada website if you have any additional questions.

Consumer Advocate
Consumer Care