Survival Mode – Potato water

Things are still a little scary. Right now it’s a great time to practice saving a dollar or maybe you just want to reduce on waste. Here’s a quick tip that I learned recently.

I like to make potatoes. I typically boil them. (I definitely usually add stock to the water.) But for the sake of this argument lets pretend I don’t. When you are done with your potato water what do you do with it? If you are like me you probably dump it down the sink. Here are some alternative uses to help use it up.

Use it in whipped potatoes. Don’t have a lot of extra’s in your fridge at the moment? Skip adding milk to your potatoes and instead add the potato water back in. This changes the flavour slightly but it saves a little economically. It also saves on calories, so if you are trying to trim off a couple pounds give it a shot. Or even consider 1/2 water and 1/2 milk.

Are you trying to be gluten free? Potato water makes a great thickener. You can use it in gravy or soups as a natural thickener and flavouring agent.

Potato water is best used within 24 hours or frozen and thawed later. I know I’m going to be making potato water ice cubes so that I can keep it for when I need it and have it in a ready to use format.